JUNE 25, 2021
Your Input Matters! Seriously.
Each week, in this here newsletter, we ask for your input on stuff … and not just because it takes up space on this tiny sliver of cyberspace and makes for good public relations. (Okay, it does that, too, but……..)
It matters what you think.
And over the first nine weeks of this groovy noodle, we’ve absorbed a LOT of your feedback.. and have run with a lot of it. (Thank you in advance).
Like what, you may ask?
Well, for one, we ARE going to start a little mini podcast each week – a short three or four minute audio clip for you guys to comment on – sometime in August or September. THANKS to you.
We posted our first three albums on Spotify. THANKS to you.
We’ve come up with some cool t-shirt ideas based on your input. THANKS to you.
We’ve decided to do both a live performance as well as a Q&A on our JULY FACEBOOK LIVE stream. THANKS to you.
We’ve also decided that we will be putting out a live album featuring our entire set (not just selected cuts). That’s THANKS to you.
You guys matter.. a lot. And because your time is just as valuable as ours, we love – and appreciate – having you be a part of what we do. Rock on, all of you. (Yes, even that one guy…)
Speaking of FACEBOOK LIVE…
When the hell is this happening, Elms?
Funny you should ask…
Tuesday, July 6, 2021 at 7pm EASTERN DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME.
We will be coming at you from South Central Texas with a few songs, some Q&A and a ton of fun. It’ll be ABOUT an hour… and if you can’t make it, worry not… We’ll post it in its entirety on our Facebook page
We will be promoting this thing on Facebook starting next week, so don’t worry. You won’t miss it.
More Poster Art from the Early Days
Yeah, we really were doing everything we could in the early days of the band to try and get people to notice our music. (We stil are). We were pushing a “new vintage” motif, trying to appeal to people who loved rock and roll…
Several weeks ago, we shared a bunch of posters we designed (or rather, modified) that, by today’s standards, may be deemed politically incorrect (featuring 50s and 60s style artwork and sexy female images).
Here, we share more of our artwork… this time, not so politically incorrect..but fun anyway. Thought you might dig some of these.
Your Input: A word or two…
We are, of course, always looking to bring people into the Elm Treason fold. The more the merrier.
Our plan is to once again reach out into the cold world of social media with new posts and song performances to get folks to give our stuff a shot.
We are looking for the right words to make them stop and click that PLAY BUTTON and check us out.
Here’s where we come to you for TREASURED INPUT.
What words would YOU use to attract new listeners if you were “marketing” the band? How would YOU describe ELM TREASON MUSIC in a word or three? PITHY gets it. BREVITY wins it.
(Dying to see your responses. Thank you!)
Cool Quotes
Here We Go ‘Round
For those of you who know our first album “Days of Reaction,” you’ll definitely know this tune… It’s called “Living for Living (Scenes From the Playground).”
We’ve never posted a performance of this song, because, frankly, we never really got it the way we wanted it live… We arrely did it live.
We came across this rehearsal video from 2016 not too long ago on a thumb drive and thought, “It’s not horrible. Maybe share this exclusively with our newsletter friends?”
So, that’s what we’re doing. Just for you guys. Available nowhere else.
The vocals aren’t the clearest, and Andy muffs the second solo a bit, but it’s otherwise pretty good. Pretty tight overall. A rarity! Enjoy!
Here we are, way back in the day, during sessions for our first album DAYS OF REACTION…when it was still going to be an electric album. (We hadn’t yet developed the ELM TREASON SOUND). February, 2013
Cannot even BEGIN to tell you how many mix tapes we made on one of these babies back in the day. They didn’t last long… but making the tape was more than half the fun, right?
Andy once again takes pen to page.
This time, he tackles the question, “Why acoustic?”
Love this.
– A behind the scenes peek at the new LIVE album we’re working on.
– Your input: Facebook Live questions!
– Bobby’s tribute to Neil Peart.
Want to contact us directly with a guaranteed direct response via email? —>
Missed an issue?
Want to relive a glorious memory?
Our “Groovy Noodles” newsletter archive is here
Copyright 2021 Realm Tones Music, LLC
i love the reality in the makin of a jam the rawness of being their great tune.
Hi Bill! It is ALWAYS a joy to hear from you, brother. Your enthusiasm for what we do mean everything to these two guitar-bangers from New York. Thank you.
The realness is definitely important. Sometimes really good things come from jams.
Thanks Bill.
So I’m not sure what words to use. I know that I stopped on y’all’s fb add bc I saw Bobby playing drums in black and white. As a drummer it intrigued me so I clicked on it to hear if he could actually play. And the answer was yes. He just seemed so calm about it I assumed it was someone just hitting the basic needs of the song. I know that the thing about y’all’s sounds that keep me here is the diversity in your songs. Yes it’s an acoustic sound but every song has their own distinctive flavor. Sorry for the long post. Hopefully it helps.
Hi Kris! Wow. That is a marvelous comment! Thank you for going into such detail. The line of yours that seems like it work work real well for us is: “Yes it’s an acoustic sound but every song has their own distinctive flavor.” If that isn’t exactly what we HOPE our music is, it’s that. Excellent! Cannot thank you enough. Rock onward!
Kris, I think you hit the nail on the head when you said there is diversity in our songs.
Good call.
I been doing some promoting, on your behalf!! Turning some of my acoustic friends (there are a lot of us)on to your music!! I love acoustic!!!
Thank you, Joe. Thank you MOST sincerely! It is SO GOOD to hear you say that, man. It means everything. What is better than word of mouth recommendation? Bobby and I (Andy) are grateful to you.
Thank you. What could be better than word of mouth promoting? Testimonials. It’s a powerful form of marketing. So we thank you for turning your friends on to us. We are truly grateful.
Hey guys, as you know summer is happening. I’ve missed a few noodles. Looks like you got a handle on it. Enjoyed #9 tonight. Great stuff and will be looking forward to the pod cast.
With that, I told you of having to get a cd player setup so I can play your cd’s as well as others. It’s a 5 cd player, so no one knows what I’m putting in for the night. Sometimes ZZ Top, Creedence, AC/DC, etc. I put Elm Treason in the mix to. Most times when ET is playing, I get asked “Who’s this? I like the sound. How can I get their cd.” Which I glad to tell to follow your Facebook page like I did. Andy can hook you up.
So if you ever get up to the New England area to play, ( Eastern Mass ????) me and a few friends will be in the crowd.
Keep the good sounds coming, and be well.
Hi Phil! Good morning. Please forgive the delay in getting back to you. Life has been slightly more than hectic in recent days.
Bobby and I (Andy) SO APPRECIATE your support in this way. Frankly, there really is nothing better – or more effective – than word of mouth “advertising.” To know that there are folks, like you, laying our music on new sets of ears is purely magical. We are grateful to you beyond our ability to properly convey. Thank you.
And if we ever play your way, we will save a bunch of seats for you. Promise. 🙂
Whatever your taste is, when it comes to ROCK, Elm Treason delivers, with creative artistic skill and class!
(It’s more than three words, but I can continue.)
Hey, Mark! The idea of “pushing” the diversity of our song stylings has always appealed to us. The issue for us has always been a matter of: Do we let people discover on their own the diversity in our style, or do we try and sell that? It’s hard to sell diversity, although that’s what we personally find most appealing in music… It’s an interesting “problem” to have. Frankly, I (Andy) love your idea. Rock on!
What’s up guys, happy weekend! I originally found your music because a friend had posted a funny meme of yours on Facebook so I decided to follow your page thinking you were purely a comedy page, I had no idea you were a band. I play a little guitar so I was intrigued when I saw a live performance you had posted, I loved the music and immediately sought out all your other videos and bought some sweet merch, I’ve been rocking out to the CDs in my car for the last week. Amazing stuff! Each song is so unique and has a different flair and style to it, I hear so many different influences but the music still remains original, all yours and pure Elm Treason. To answer your question about which words to use, I’d say original, eclectic, authentic, rockin! I’ve been telling everyone I can here in Oregon about this awesome band from NY, my girlfriend loves the music too. Keep up the great work. Btw the newsletter is great too!
Hi Jake! Please forgive the delay inr esponding to your comment. The docket has been overflowing.
Your comment is one of the best we’ve gotten – not only because you took the time to write such a detailed paragraph, but because your thinking appeals to us creatively.
First of all, we are honored that you decided to check out our music after discovering us through the funny memes we post. The fact that you decided to explore what we do is uplifting and encouraging in so many ways. And the fact that you, too, are a guitar player makes it all the more relevant to us. To grab the attention of people who make music is as good as it gets.
In reading your comments, you seem to get what we do. You connect with us… and that is a wonderful thing for us. We DO try to make each song unique. After all, why re-write “DAYS OF REACTION” if we already wrote it once? Your positive feedback means everything to us, Jake. And having you share our music is a compliment of the highest order.
Thank you, man. Sincerely.
Hi Guys! Just reread Da Noodle, and I think the Diversity of your songs is a big selling point, besides them being Amazing!
I will think some more, when I’m not at the end of my lunchbreak. Meanwhile, Jam On! ????