Day 1


Rock onward!

GREETINGS! It is OUTSTANDING to have you along on this exclusive journey through our forthcoming album, THE VOICE OF TREASON. (Feel free to take a “woo hoo!” out of petty cash!) 

Over the next several days, we’ll be sneak previewing all ten tracks from what will be our fourth full-length album. You’ll be able to listen to and download all the music (if you’re so inclined) absolutely free!  (Seriously). Plus, you’ll be accessing lots of exclusive content, such as interviews, behind-the-scenes stuff, stories and more! 

We are dying to share this record with you. This will be a ton of fun! Maybe a ton-and-a-half. 

So, listen loud…. and let’s go commit an act of treason together….


So, before we launch into your VOICE OF TREASON excursion, we thought you’d really dig this. We are regularly asked, “Who were the music makers who made the boys of Elm Treason want to play?” This short little video lays it down. Enjoy!


“On and on we play. Here we go again… 

Written by Andrew Roman and Robert Steel

Produced by Elm Treason

Recorded, Mixed and Mastered at Realm Tones Music

The first tune from “THE VOICE OF TREASON” we want to hook you up with is called “GRINS OF NOTHING.” It’s upbeat, rich in guitar (as is our wont), built around a slightly funky groove, has an ear-worm-candy kind of riff ,and comments on the superficiality of relationships that never get beyond the surface noise of life. What’s not to love? Here’s a behind-the-scenes look:


(the official video)

“GRINS OF NOTHING” is one of the songs we decided to turn into a music video. Here, we are paying tribute to a by-gone era – and we are definitely having fun with it. If you are familiar (either first hand or through You Tube) with  some 1970s era TV perfromances, bands were often captured playing in front of  (by today’s standards) some pretty archaic backgrounds. And if the backgrounds weren’t themselves “weird looking,” then the “effects” were. Indeed, the technology was very much “of its time.” Still, we just adore some of those vintage performances. In fact, we pay homage to that delicious era with this video.


(Play Loud!)




I never want to knock you down with lots and lots to say.  Here we go, again, you know, on and on we play.

To keep the peace alive is worth your storm of empty words. So I nod and smile for a while, as if I’ve really heard.

And then we go on our merry ways. Yes, we go on our merry ways.

Never kid ourselves. We play it very well.

By and by, noble guy, promises like wine.  Lure the empty with your hanging low fruit on the vine.

On the cuff, we eat it up, then pepper him with words. He nods and smiles for a while as if he’s really heard.

And then we go our merry ways. Yes, we go on our merry ways.

Everyone’s aware. We carry everywhere….

…Our grins of nothing. Our grins of nothing. These grins of nothing. We keep ’em nice and safe here.


Our grins of nothing. Our grins of nothing. These grins of nothing. We keep “em nice and safe here.


Perfect place to play all day, busking for a taste. Sounding like a dime-for-twelve, red meat for the brain.

Not a penny droppin’ in, just lots of talking on, so I nod and smile as if I care never lettin’ on.

that I pray they go their merry ways. Yes, please go on your merry way. 

I hate I’m sounding cold, but naked truth be told…

These are grins of nothing. We got grins of nothing. Take our grins of nothing. And keep them nice and safe here.


Our grins of nothing. Our grins of nothing. These grins of nothing. We keep ’em nice and safe here.



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Rick Pickett



awesome AGAIN !!!


Love it! Well done! So much packed into this! More excited than ever to hear the rest!

Jared Wabeke

Absolutely love it. It’s got great rhythm and a great feel. An incredible way to kick off the album


It was blast collaborating with my musical brother Andy on this album. This video was a ton of fun to do. So many precious memories. I hope everyone enjoys our new album!

Alan Seger

I love that opening riff so much. I had to pick up my guitar on the second listen to join in on American Jam Stand. I love everything about this song. The song, the vintage video style, the Beatle bass (is that a real Hofner?)

Sam Nardi

Once again NOT disappointed by Elm Treason, love it!!!????

Mark Caro

I can feel the fun!
You’re right Bobby.Makes me do the chicken head!
Good groove! Catchy melody!
Too cool!????????????????

Mark Caro

Hell yeah!!
Loved the video!!
Fresh and new and different.
Was that you (Andy) in a wig?


Loving the start of this musical journey fellas

Ruth Wirt

While you spoon that dollop I will show you grins of nothing. A great start on day one.

Craig Hecht

Ok, MIND BLOWN! Not just the song, which is amazing in it’s own right, but the whole concept of this one-song-a-day promo. As a fan, I’ve always wanted the behind the scenes, nuts and bolts story of the making of each song an artist releases. I applaud the creativity and Hard Work you guys must have put into this whole deal. As for the song, classic ET, the main lick is great, love the little Farfisa organ stabs and the doot-doot little harmonies. Can’t wait for Day Two!

Ted Koch

Most Terrific!!! Blown away!!!

Sonya Anderson

If day one is any indication of what follows, I’m hooked, on that hook. And, doesn’t this little gem describe much of so many of our lives at this very minute? The guitars in the middle? Possibly my favorite part. Hard to say though, because I loved it all, start to finish. I am a lover of that vintage 70’s (old school music video’s) anyhow, and, y’all nailed it, Andy! Clever writing!;) I think I already have the riff, and most of the words swirling round in my cerebral. Fantastic job boys. Thanks so much for bringing me with you, on this journey. Already downloading this one. 10/10

Last edited 4 years ago by Sonya Anderson
Sonya Anderson

As always, Andy,

Vincent Peteroy

Outstanding gentlemen
You guys are the greatest
Bravo ????????
Thank you and God bless????????

Chris Roman

This is amazing! Very well done! The Song Grooves (The kind you have in your head all day long), The video is AWESOME (The concept, the way it was put together, and…er…(*cough*) the way it was shot.), and I am going to take the 193-1 odds Cher takes the title (Sorry Godzilla).

RD Hannah


Joe Zwifalt

Love it!!!


Very awesome.great vibe and tune.getting to know you guys is ricking..


I love it! It’s such a “been there, done that” too! So relatable! It speaks to the superficialities of our modern life (and sadly, some past relationships LoL).

I’m so happy to have found you guys! Your music makes me feel, think, dance, and sing along!

Travis stepp

Love it…only listened to it once but so far reminds me of an early Beatles tune white washed in some funk and groove!!! Awesome

Alice Sullivan

Cool! The music is way out man. Makes you smile just listening. Thank you for the honor to listen. It is so way cool guys. Loved the video entirely. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Last edited 4 years ago by Alice Sullivan
Gabby Roman

Love it! Very catchy, I enjoyed every minute of it :)!!! Now it will be stuck in my head all day :p

Shirley Mason

Rock on guys this track is so good


Sooooooo good! Really creative and fresh. Love the vid too, funny and entertaining but the music is well thought through and well played.

Professor P-Soop

I hate I’m sounding cold, but naked truth be told. Actually the naked truth is I love this tune!

Odessa Rollins

You guys are great I love a buffet of music myself always have

David Green

Hey guys. I’m a couple of days behind on getting started. Due to the fact we have been dealing with an ice storm. 2 days of having to stay home, cause us people way down here are not used to dealing with it. 3 days of temps below freezing. Just listened to first song. Me likey. Nice G-tar work. And love the video with the multiple personalities. Lol kinda like me.

Joshua Osborne

Whoooaaa! If the Magical Mystery Tour was missing anything, it was this song! Just amazing guys, YES!

Karen Klucas

what a great way to start my day.. love love your intro how you started out. … great tunes.
And yes you make me laugh too.cant wait for the next.
Peace out have a great day


That’s cool????

Jane Hoffman

Nailed it!!!

Belle Roman

I totally relate to the influence video!! My playlist is like the weirdest mix of all music!!

I LOVE the day one page! Lots of great content. Looking forward to day ✌????

Odessa Rollins

I love the song it is awesome black background in the sound effects five of us was watching it and everybody loved it beautiful job

Rancine Hathcock

Interesting and very cool. Thx! Peace y’all

Kimberly Box Keesee

Absolutely wonderful! You guys just BRING IT, every time! Thank you for sharing your gifts with us!

Lionel Albert

Kickass start! Great riff, awesome vocals, some parts reminded me of a Lennon thing I’ve heard, maybe an outtake… Great drums too by the way…

Teresa Glenn Tiller

You guys rock!! I will be singing this all day!! So glad to be a part of this!! Love you guys!!

Damien Sepulveda

Sounds amazing I love it so much, great melodies and key changes!

Mark Sheriff

Love the funkiness

Jodi Peerman

Grins Of Nothing,love it !!! Loving the riffs !!! Exceptionally amazing Andy and Bobby ????????????

Chris Kimball

I am so stoked to get this 10 day journey! I feel like a kid again that can’t wait to read every bit of fine print, every lyric, every picture and every “special thanks to”, from the inside of a brand new cassette tape!

Jake Lucas

Another outstanding song! I really dig the explanation behind it Andy. Great video too, I loved that “vintage” 70s feel. I can’t wait to hear the rest of the album.


This is an outstanding way to promote yourselves, really impressive guys! That’s for the invite!


Great song and love that cbgb t-shirt. Went there many times! Memories with great music

colin harold


I thought “oh, they picked up a third member!” before realizing Andy donned a wig with a Howard Stern demeanor! Love you guys.

Sandra McNabb

Really very much enjoyed the song as well as the video. The video very much reminded me of things you would see from Jefferson Airplane and Steppenwolf back in the day. (And, yes, I am old enough to remember them!) I love the fusion of all of the elements that went into this song from the lyrics, the melody as well as the video. I am so looking forward to hearing the other tracks!

Alice Sullivan

You guys are so cool. I have been following you for a year. I am so excited with you through your Journey. I dig the tunes man. It rocks!! It’s great you are so personal sharing your music. Thank you… Enjoy every bit. May peace ✌ be with you always my friends. ☺ P.s. can I post this Song on my page? Love it!!!

Last edited 3 years ago by Alice Sullivan
Jack Friend

This “journey” is all encompassing and kinda goofy but a blast nonetheless! Infectious…y’all are infecting my musical brain in a great way! Thank you!

Copyright 2021 Realm Tones Music, LLC

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