The (REVISED) Album Cover Contest
Yup, we’re having a contest
The album cover contest…
As you may or may not know, ELM TREASON will be releasing a brand new studio album in the fall… We are hoping for an October 15th drop or thereabouts. We will be putting it out on vinyl, on CD and in downloadable digital format.
And… we would love for YOU to be a part of it.
Are you an artist? Like to paint? Draw? Sketch? Use software to design? Take photos?
Well, we are inviting you to take part in the ELM TREASON ALBUM COVER contest.
One design will be chosen to be the next album cover for the forthcoming album! The winner will receive a copy of the album adorning their creation in both CD and vinyl formats. (As well as a few other goodies).
Sound cool?
We hope so.
Now, on to the particulars.
Okay, so what’s the music like?
What is the feel of the album? The vibe? The idea?
Originally, we were going to call the album “GOING YESTERDAY.” Our thinking behind that title was that we were harkening back to a time before now, when things were different, perhaps easier to understand, more relatable … Unfortunately, when we originally announced the contest, we mistakenly framed it as an “escape” to yesterday. A retreat. A running away.
That was not our intention.
Rather, we were thinking…. “Remember when we actually stood up for things and held true to our convictions? When we actually did our due diligence and tried to inform ourselves instead of just bending over and taking it, no matter what the “it” was? Damn, what happened to us? It’s like we’re all sheep now, clinging to a “side” or a “team” just because it’s easier to grab the low-hanging fruit and retreat into complacency than to actually think…. You can do what you want, I guess.. but as for me, I’m going to keep my focus as I did yesterday…. I’m not crumbling. I’m not giving in. I’m GOIN’ YESTERDAY…”
That was the idea.
Then, we came up with the idea of calling the album “UP TO ME.” The thinking here was… “I’ve stopped waiting for the hero, the Dealer of Light, the mystic with the best lines. I’ve stopped clinging to a tribe. I’ve discovered that those who say they are here to help and have our best interests at heart actually do not. I am a piece on their board. But no more. I’m not an idiot. Discovery and learning and being well-informed are well within my reach… and those whom I love and are most important to me will be my focus. I’ve discovered that it’s not up to anyone else… it’s up to me.”
It’s a more empowering theme, we thought. It’s sort of the final stop of “GOING YESTERDAY. Where the former is a spot along the journey, the other is more of a destination.
But we’ve decided against that one, too.
So, What’s the Deal Then?
We have an even better title, we believe.
The sentiment will be the same, but we’ve come up with one we think encapsulates both themes perfectly…. and it happens to be a lyric from one of the songs on the record.
We’re calling the album, “WITHOUT A TRIBE.”
We are, indeed, leaving it “up to me,” as the second title suggests… and we’re equally trying to summon that spirit of a time seemingly lost, as the first alludes to.
No labels. No reflexive sides to take. No tags. We’re going without a tribe.
THAT’S the theme.
The Nuts and Bolts
We’ll be accepting artwork of any and all kinds – even if you already started something from the old contest announcement – effective now until Friday, July 22nd.
If you have started something already, don’t give up, don’t stop, don’t abandon… The theme still applies. Only the title will have changed.
Artwork can be emailed to us as an attachment to
If you use Dropbox or any other file sharing service, email us at the above address and we connect on getting your creation to us.
We will need high resolution graphics (300dpi)… and because it will be used on a 12X12 album sleeve, it will need your work to be that size, at least.
If you have any further questions or need clarification or simply need help with any of the technical stuff, email us at
Thank you, all. Looking forward to seeing your work! We love that you will be a part of this new record.